Information about Synovial Sarcoma

Basic Information for my Supporters
Sarcomas are cancers of the connective tissues, such as nerves, muscles, and bones. There are more than 50 subtypes of sarcoma, and there are two basic categories of sarcoma: soft tissue sarcoma and bone and joint sarcoma. Sarcomas make up about 1% of total cancer diagnosed, and Synovial Sarcomas, which is a soft tissue sarcoma, makes up approx 8% of soft tissue sarcomas. It is a very rare disease so as a result not many health professional will have any experience with it and you need specialist care.
It is a young persons cancer, the peak of incidence are people in their 30's and approximately 30% of cases occur in patients less than twenty years of age. At 46 I am at the high end of the age range for getting this.
Dr. Murray Brennan of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center writes: "The majority of patients who present with a soft tissue sarcoma are cured, and the majority of those are cured by their initial operation." Dr. Brennan provides advice and hope for soft tissue sarcoma patients here.
My personal situation is not as good as the average case profiled by Mr Brennan, but its is certainly not as bad as many cases and stories that you will read by just goggling through the Internet.
For the reading impaired here is a video:
YouTube: Sarcoma - A Forgotten Cancer  

Advanced and Useful Information and Links for fellow Synovial Sarcoma Survivors
An SS Survivor to admire: 
Kirk Soulder Read his story, not a treatment plan and prognosis I would like to follow but you have to admire his tenacity and courage.

Good Sarcoma Information here:
Some Good Videos here:
Sarcoma Help Videos
Detailed section on Synovial Sarcomas:

Great forums here:  GREAT SUPPORT SITE!

Cancer General:
Gawler Foundation - Ian the founder had a sarcoma and a miraculous recovery
Improving your statistic and success

How your natural immune system kills  cancer. Meet and learn more about how your natural killer cells (NK or T Cells) work. Look out at end of clip for the cytotoxins "cluster bomb" attack, very cool. Dean Ornish outlines simple, low-tech and low-cost ways to take advantage of the body’s natural desire to heal.

Willian Li.-  Can we eat to starve cancer?
Cancer Care and support - Great general and detail information site.
Dr Gerald Lewis (NZ) will share his over 40 years experience in how to prevent and treat diseases, using the best of both conventional and complementary medicine.

Kids and Yound adults support site 
Welcome to riprap, a web site that can help you cope when a parent has cancer. You'll find stories from other young people going through the same situations as you are. You’ll also find information and tips to help you understand and deal with what is going on in your family