Thursday, September 2, 2010

5 weeks of Radiotheraphy and Driving Cars doesn't mix

CRASH... off to a different doctor tomorrow.


  1. Backed into a tree, smashed window and dent. Tired and dopey.

  2. no different to usual then...

  3. Gaz, hopefully this dim patch wasn't done at speed

  4. I don't need my car this Tue if you or Kay need it.

  5. Thanks for the offer Lynn but we are good, hired a car from our good panel beater at $5 per day.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey good deal, lol, I can't have been fit to drive either, calling Kat Kay, (Frig and then I had to go and delete the last post cos I wrote Lay) but its cos the t and y r close together on the keyboard. (Yeah right, I need glasses) High fives for you getting through the whole course of radiotherapy - intensive. Impressed.
    September 10, 2010 8:28 AM

  8. Hey, when I went through radiation, I crashed my car as well, but I have no memory of the crash. I apparently rear ended someone and gave them my information, really crunched my Ford, but I was okay. I found out when my son came home and asked who crashed the car...I thought he did it, but had a momentary flash of memory of a guy saying he saw the whole thing. Ambien, pain medications and a morphine pump don't mix with driving.

    You aren't alone!


Thanks for your comments Gaz